AI Tools

Gravity ships with support for generative AI images and text with ChatGPT and Dall-E.

1. Create an OpenAI API Key

You must register an account with OpenAI and create an API key. Then, add your API key to the .env file in Gravity:


2. Generating Text with ChatGPT

Import the OpenAI model and make a request using the following:

const openai = require('./model/openai');

async function generateText(){
  const textData = await openai.text({ prompt: 'YOUR PROMPT' }});

This function will return a text string from ChatGPT.

3. Generating Images with Dall-E

Import the OpenAI model and make a request using the following:

const openai = require('./model/openai');

async function generateImage(){
  const imageData = await openai.image({ 
    prompt: 'YOUR PROMPT', 
    size: '512x512'
    number: 1,

Size is optional - the default is 512x512 pixels. You can also specify the number of images to return; the default is 1.

This function will return an array of image objects with a url key containing your image.

[{ url: 'https://your_generated_image_url', created: timestamp }]

Included Endpoints

There are pre-configured endpoints included for you to use from the client:

POST /api/ai/text
POST /api/ai/image

Last updated