
Gravity comes with a full suite of integration tests included to ensure your application functions as it should before releasing it.

Please set the SUPPORT_EMAIL variable in your environment before running tests as this email is used for testing.

// to start the tests, run:
gravity test

// or
npm test

The testing suite uses mocha and chai, boilerplate tests are in the /test folder.

How Tests Work

A test calls the API endpoint and passes a data object. The response is then tested to ensure the correct status is returned and the returned data matches a specific format.

describe('POST /account', () => {
  it ('should create a new paid account', done => {

    config.account.paid.token = { id: 'tok_visa' };

    .end((err, res) => {

      process.env.token = 'Bearer ' + res.body.token;

      // cleanup
      delete config.account.paid.token;


To add your tests, create a new test script and import it to the run.js file; use the example above as a template.

Last updated

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